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C-Worthy Error Librarian Data  |  1990-07-11  |  1KB  |  23 lines

  1. C-Worthy (R) Error Librarian Data File Version 1.0
  2. COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1988.  All Rights Reserved.
  3. Custom Design Systems, Inc.  Provo, Utah  USA.
  4. CreatePortal
  5. ComputePortalPosition
  6. LSeek
  7. PushList
  8. PopList
  9. AppendToList
  10. DisplayHeader
  11. AppendToMenu
  12. Malloc
  13. Write
  14. Close
  15. GetListHead
  16. GetPortalInfo
  17. Creat
  18. EditPortalString
  19. ActivatePortal
  20. InitHelp
  21. DisplayTextInPortal
  22. DeleteAll